Saturday, October 22, 2011

outfitpost #3 CHEAP $

I am calling this outfit cheap, not because it is sleazy but because it literally is cheap.  The pants I have on I crafted from a pair of long maverick pants to hot pants. And I shredded the bottom myself too. There is nothing free in life is a saying I used to believe in, but since The shirt I have on is a pretty pricy brand called Sandwich. It's one of my favourite shirts and cost me once again: nothing. I inherited it. The gilet is from Part Two and I bought it for 4 euro's at a thrift shop (second hand). lastly I combinated this look with high healed wedges that a friend of mine bought at the Primarkt in Rotterdam for a stunning 9 Euro's! (and panty's: 1 Euro) Together this outfit cost 14 Euro's. And this is only one of the many cheap outfits I have, so stay tuned and please go ahead and comment what you think about it.
                           Love to hear anything you have to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wauw ik wist niet dat je een blog had, net begonnen? xxx